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It`s all about DRESSES | DHL EXPRESS 1-3 days | Taxes & duties included


A Ko:ko adventure of dresses

Ko:ko norway started its journey in 2011. The company is based outside Ålesund. Here ideas and new designs are created and where all goods are packed and sent, mostly DRESSES. Stine is the driving force behind ko:ko norway. She has always worn a dress, mostly because it is incredibly comfortable and practical to wear. And the best of all, she feels that dresses make everyday a party!

The goal for ko:ko norway, is to have a surprising selection of dresses. We want to design dresses that give joy due. a fantastic fit, a super quality and a surprising design. We simply want to inspire women to wear more dresses through our ko:ko and timeless design. Getting ladies that never wear dresses, to discover the comfort of a dress is so incredibly fun. To discover that it is so easy to be elegant in a dress and at the same time it's so practical. You don´t even have to put together several garments. From us you get dresses in all styles, you don´t have to be glam to wear a dress. Our best-selling dress is actually a sporty version used by active ladies in everyday life. The products must be of high quality, they must be sustainable, functional and not least be so good to wear that you prefer a dress over anything else. We are more interested in design than with trends, so the dresses can be used over time, this is a nice and easy way to be sustainable. For us, it's all about designing dresses that will last. We are pleased that today we can offer a varied selection of dresses for beautiful, tough and active ladies.


How did it all start?

Stine has drawn frills and flowers all her life and trained as a Flower Decorator at Vea. She married Øyvind who is a chef and esthetician. They are both interested in Norwegian Design and good craftsmanship. They have experienced that hard work pays off. In 2009, both of their companies jumped to invest and realize KO&KO AS with the design and production of thousands of dresses. It was completely ko:ko to think or dream that one should make a living designing and selling dresses in Norway. But the first ko:ko dress was sold in October 2011 in Fosnavåg. Passing 100,000 dresses sold was a milestone, but today, far more dresses are sold every year. Today we have our daily operation at the KO:KO wearhouse in Fosnavåg.

All the dresses are produced in Poland and Lithuania by manufacturers that we are confident with and that we have become well acquainted with. We have a mutual respect and the best wishes for each other.

Ko:ko norway does not have a physical store itself but sells the dresses through the online store www.kokonorway.com and through retailers. We are proud to say that today we ship our dresses worldwide. Everything is possible between the fjord and the mountains in beautiful Fosnavåg at Sunnmøre.

The picture shows our ko:ko warehouse in Fosnavåg where all administration takes place. The building was completed in 2019. The second picture is Stine & Øyvind during a mannequin show, this was a great experience. A fantastic collaboration with Cultureschool of Herøy, FOA, mannequins and dancers from Fosnavåg.

Timeless designs from koko norway by Stine